2 min read

(1 Timothy 1:15)  Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

 Many people speculate about who Jesus was, and what he was all about. Some say he was just a peasant. Others say he was a good teacher. And still others say he did not even exist. But what does the Bible say? This verse is clear and concise concerning why Jesus, although fully God, became fully human and lived in our world. 

First, he came into our world. This is theologically called the “incarnation” of Jesus Christ. He was not a fake human. He became fully human, just like we are. Although I could go into a long theological discussion on the incarnation of Jesus, it is better to simply read how Philippians 2:6-8 describes the incarnation, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” 

Second, Jesus came into our world (incarnation) to save us. What does the biblical word “save” mean? As Christians, we hear the word “save” all the time, but we often do not understand its comprehensive meaning. The world save means to deliver, rescue, heal, and transform us. Salvation has three dimensions: We are saved when we truly accept Jesus into our hearts, we are being saved through our Christian lives, and we will be saved when Jesus returns again. 

Third, what does it mean by the word “sinners?” We are all sinners, every one of us. We are born sinners. We sin because we are sinners. As this verse tells us, Jesus came into the world to save humanity, us Sinners. Too often we think Jesus came into the world to help us stop sinning, so we can stop doing bad things. But he actually came into the world to transform our internal nature, our condition of Sin. Once we are born again—the Holy Spirit living within us—God begins to transform our hearts that are in a condition of Sin. Once that happens, we no longer have a desire to sin. God’s salvation is an internal-out transformation, not an external-in transformation. 

Are you trying to act right, so your heart will change? Or are in allowing the Holy Spirit to transform your heart, so your behavior will change?

There is a big difference.

Allow the Holy Spirit change your heart!