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Jesus Christ: The Story of His Life and Teaching. Jesus is the most influential person in the history of the world. His early followers shaped Western Civilization, and over two billion people worship him around the world. However, today many people continue to entertain distorted portraits of Jesus that are repackaged and propagated over and over again in our modern, pop-culture world. Jesus Christ provides you with the opportunity to discover the true life and teachings of Jesus. It is a popular and easily accessible novel presentation of a chronological harmony of the Gospels. There is nothing you read in Jesus Christ that is made-up or a creative invention. A chronological harmony of the Gospels is a single, merged narrative of the life and teaching of Jesus from the common and diverse material recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Although a harmony of the four Gospels cannot be created with absolute certainty, the Jesus Christ harmony is based on years of detailed research.
The Early Church: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Asia Minor: 300 Profiles. The Early Church: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Asia Minor is an introductory guide to people, places, events, and texts of the early church of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). The time frame of the book is more functional than academic, it begins with the New Testament and ends in 1453. The book’s layout is unique and user-friendly. It contains 300 short descriptive “profiles” that are listed numerically (1 to 300), with no chapters. The numbering system allows for cross-referencing within the individual “profiles.” The book also includes two table of contents, one chronological and the other geographical. The goal of the book is help people worldwide not only discover that Turkey is the land of the Bible, but it is also the primary and central land of the early church. There is no other book of its kind available today.
The Lost Land of The Bible: Prayer Pilgrimages Through Turkey. Along with introductory chapters, The Lost Land of the Bible contains eight prayer pilgrimages (travel journeys) through the seven official regions and 81 provinces of Turkey. It also contains in-depth information on the Bible backgrounds and early Christianity of Turkey.
Istanbul: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Constantinople. Istanbul: A Guide Inside the Early Church of Constantinople is an introductory guide to people, places, events, and texts of the early church of the city of Constantinople. The time frame of the book is more functional than academic, it begins with the New Testament and ends in 1453. The book’s layout is unique and user-friendly. It contains 100 short descriptive “profiles” that are listed numerically (1 to 100), with no chapters. The numbering system allows for cross-referencing within the individual “profiles.” Includes the Seven Church Ecumenical Councils
International English Bible: New Testament. AN EASY-TO-READ DYNAMIC TRANSLATION THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. The International English Bible (IEB) was translated by Dr. Andrew Jackson, a teacher and author familiar with the original language of the New Testament and an expert in its historical and geographical context. The IEB is the version of choice for many pastors, Christian adults, youth, new Christians, those reading the Bible for the first time, and people who speak English as a second language. The IEB is written in simple language for an ordinary person, it offers both accuracy and ease of reading. The IEB is the version of choice for many Christian adults, but also youth, new Christians, those reading the Bible for the first time, and people who speak English as a second language. Unique features include: - Easy to read paragraph layouts - Inline citations of Old Testament quotes - Geographical points keyed to modern-day places - Brief historical explanations - Modern-day units of measurement - Simple vocabulary - Descriptive subheadings.
(DVD) Exploring Ephesus: City of Apostles.