1 min read

(Proverbs 21:5) Haste leads to poverty.

This Proverb is not talking about acting quickly and divisively (being quick-minded) during emergencies and in times of critical situations. For example, like when emergency room nurses act fast when a patient is having a heart attack. 

This Proverb is talking about the negative consequence of reckless haste, which is acting impulsively and impatiently in daily life. We often want instant results, microwave results. We want instant gratification. We often think haste will solve some of our internal struggles. 

Driven by our emotions and feelings, we act without even thinking about the consequences of our decisions and actions. We are thoughtless. We lose all rationality. When we have a life habit of reckless haste, we react to circumstances without any objective evaluation. We do not get other opinions. We do not talk things over with our friends or family to get their perspective. 

Out of momentary emotions of haste, people will often spend a lot of money on things they don’t need. They suffer from “buyer’s remorse.” The negative consequence of haste leads to poverty, not simply financially but also morally/spiritually. Nothing accomplished by haste is long-lasting. We do not produce fruit that will last when living a life of emotional haste. You have heard of the saying, “Haste makes waste.” 

I encourage you to take it to heart. Are you emotionally impulsive? Do you want instant gratification? Think about it today. 

Think first and then act. 

Pray and then act.